Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How To Enjoy the Yamboree Without Blowing Your Pants Out!

Growing up in Gilmer, Texas was a unique experience because of the annual holiday and homecoming called the Yamboree.  The Yamboree is a difficult concept to explain to those not born and raised in Upshur County.  School is out, business are closed or at least have "Yamboree hours", and the whole town is involved in the celebration of the sweet potato from Wednesday through Saturday on the third weekend in October.  The small town of Gilmer transforms into a central hub overnight.  There are actually traffic jams during this week!  Every spot in town is occupied and there are multiple attractions everywhere.  The anticipation of the Yamboree hits a fever pitch as soon as the "Welcome Yamboree Visitors" signs are hung above area business doors and the amusement rides began to trickle into town. 

As the years have past, many of my hometown friends and family return to celebrate this one of a kind event.  As much as carnival rides, pageants, and parades are a part of the Yamboree, the food of the festival takes center stage.  It is very easy to load up on high calorie foods and break your calorie budget if you're not careful.

To put things in perspective, the "average" American needs about 2000 calories and 65 grams of fat per day.  Take a look at some of the most popular fair foods and their energy values below.

The Corn Dog                                   375 Calories           36 g Fat
Smoked Turkey Leg                       1135 Calories           54 g Fat
Deep Fried Oreo (5)                         890 Calories           108 g Fat
Nachos                                             750 Calories             55 g Fat
Yam Pie                                           300 Calories             15 g Fat
Corn on the Cob (no butter)             200 Calories               1 g Fat
1/3 Pound Burger                             669 Calories             41 g Fat
French Fries                                     560 Calories             79 g Fat
Bratwurst Sausage on a Bun            803 Calories             61 g Fat
Cotton Candy                                   220 Calories             56 g Fat
Baked Sweet Potato (no topping)    120 Calories             <1 g Fat

As you can see from the list above, some of the calorie contents of these foods can set  you up for a post Yamboree buldge if you indulge too much.  Some of these foods contain 50 % of your total daily calories and many of them exceed your allotment of fat for the entire day! 

Here are some tips to enjoy the carnival food in moderation.

1.  If you know that you are going to indulge on a meal at the Yamboree (or any other fair), make sure that you make healthy choices throughout the rest of the day to achieve balance.

2.  Consider splitting an item with a family member or friend.  You can enjoy the taste and experience in a smaller portion and lesser affect on the waistline!

3.  Don't have a buffet!  Choose a few items to enjoy, but don't eat one of everything!

4.  Ask yourself if you are really hungry.  If you are not, share the remainder with a friend or loved one or even throw it away.  I know that some of you will say that is wasteful, but I would argue that carrying around extra calories and fat in your mid section is not a great place to store wasted food!  And it will have a long lasting and costly affect on your health.

I hope that you will enjoy this year's Yamboree and make healthy and thoughtful choices!  Have a Yam good time all of my Gilmer friends!  Hope to see you there!

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